
She has anthropophobia. She has pistanthrophobia. She has polyhobia. She who has many phobia is me. The owner of this gloomy looking blog. Fourteen to be on 20th December. My life is as dull as you can imagine. I invite you to come and color my life. This is her second blog.

같은하늘아래서. 같은꿈을꾸는. 君ともう一度 笑えると信じているから. ♥ Always Keep The Faith

Peace be upon you. // Wednesday, January 23, 2013
9:56 PM


Yeah. So, hey guys !
How are you ? Fine ? Lol. Random question.
So, I've finally updated.
Yeah, I know that today is Thursday and I suppose to attend my co-curriculum activity, but, since today my Prophet Nabi Muhammad S.A.W was born, so, all students in Malaysia got a school holiday for one day only. 

I woke up really late this morning. Like, seriously late. Sigh. I woke up around 9 in the morning but then, I'm too lazy to get up so I continued sleeping. I had this really weird dream you know? I bet that it's going to happen to me soon. So, yeah. As I said. I continued sleeping and guess what. I woke up at 10 in the morning. Lol. Yeah. What kind of girl am I ? Tchh. And no. I don't sleep late last night. I sleep around 10.30 like that yet, I woke up very late. Urghh.

I felt so bad since today is a special day for us Muslim but my starting of this special day is already bad. I wonder, what kind of bad thing will happen to me in the future. I really hope that I've some kind of super power or super ability or anything you called them. 

So yeah. Back to the topic. Wait.

There is no topic at all actually.

About the title. Peace be upon you. Majority of the Muslims know  about this. 

It's the meaning of our greet when we met someone. 

In Arabic, we said "Assalamualaikum"

Means, "Peace be upon you."

And the person whom we greet will greet us back by saying "Waalaikumsalam" means "Peace be upon you too."

About the uhh, the spelling for Waalaikumsalam, I'm not sure wether it's right or not. Cause sometimes, our people will say Waalaikumussalam rather than Waalaikumsalam.

Sorry for the trouble. Even I, myself is confuse with it. Well, I'll try to ask my teacher about that. Or maybe, if you guys are rajin, you can probably search this up on Google or Internet or whatever it is.

Do tell me if it's wrong.


So, I don't know what to write anymore.

Bye and Wassalam.