
She has anthropophobia. She has pistanthrophobia. She has polyhobia. She who has many phobia is me. The owner of this gloomy looking blog. Fourteen to be on 20th December. My life is as dull as you can imagine. I invite you to come and color my life. This is her second blog.

같은하늘아래서. 같은꿈을꾸는. 君ともう一度 笑えると信じているから. ♥ Always Keep The Faith

It's changed ! // Sunday, January 6, 2013
2:04 AM


Hi guys. Can you sense something happening around here? Ouh well. I do! This blog has changed it skins! /evil laugh.

I know it's ugly, dull, grumpy, too red and too grey-ish but ouh what do I care? It's my blog and I'm the one who's editting it. 

Ohmygod. After a week, finally, I've done editting this ugly blog. It took a longer time cause this skins are different from the others. It doesn't have any basic code and that means I have to add the basic coding by myself. I'm so freaking tired, exhausted and etc. I've stayed up late every night just too edit this blog. All of it are made by myself but I take the base code from Gabby. I love this skin cause it's simple and it looks like tumblr. So yeah.

Urm, what else. Ouh! See the header?! I made it by myself. LOL. Actually every header for my blogskin, I've made them by myself. I took the base code and re-edit it. Change the background and it's hard cause I've to find a background which is suitable for the header. I also put background in my entry. Just some part of it though. I edit my chatbox back, change the pictures, add navbar, add blog archive, change the scroll bar, make the pages by myself and many more. So yeah. I'm quite satisfied by the result.

So, my new blogskins are called Mirotic. Because? Well, if you're a kpoppers, you might know where does the word 'Mirotic' came from. I actually want to put a background at the sidebar but I don't know how to do it U_U So, I left it transparent.

Okay, enough talking about this ugly blog. 

Since it's new year, the school has started. HOEMGEE. Even though it's only the first week but I'm tired already. I surrender -.-'' LOL. Okay. But, yeah. I'm too lazy to go to school now cause starting from next week, they'll be co-curriculum 3 days straight. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Crazy right? Wait till you read this. Our school end very extremely super-duper late. Before, the school end on 12.30 but now, it's 1.50 ! GASH ! I still can accept that but at Monday, the school end on twofreakingthirty! I think our teachers are really crazy. Why the sudden change though ? And you know what? Since I'm in Gred 8/ Form 2,  we have no, scratch that, we must learn ICTL. WHY ?! I thought that only Form 1 students will learn it. Why ?! Please give me some logical reason. Besides that, we also have PBS which is ughhhh. Undescripable. Do I spell it right ? Lol. Whatever. Anyway batch 99' student will understand me.

Oh yeah. Btw, I'm sorry for not updating. And I'll probably not update this blog frequently like I used to. Sorry. Well, it's not like there's someone reading this right? Tchh.

I Hate School Fullstop