
She has anthropophobia. She has pistanthrophobia. She has polyhobia. She who has many phobia is me. The owner of this gloomy looking blog. Fourteen to be on 20th December. My life is as dull as you can imagine. I invite you to come and color my life. This is her second blog.

같은하늘아래서. 같은꿈을꾸는. 君ともう一度 笑えると信じているから. ♥ Always Keep The Faith

Lallalalalallalalal ~ // Tuesday, October 9, 2012
8:17 AM

HelloandAssalamualaikum !

After a long time, I can finally update this pitiful blog of mine >.<
Yeahh-yeahh. I know that you guys miss me *coughcoughcough* I mean my blog *coughcoughcough*
The reason I'm not updating this blog is because that P FREAKING B FREAKING S. -.-''
There are tooooo manyyyy folio to be done.
Tooooo manyyyyy homework to be pass up.
Toooooo muchhhhh stress to endure -.-''

Yeahh. So back to the main topic.
Well, actually. I don't know which story do I want to tell you guys about. -..-
However, let's start with the SKBBSD2 Hari Kantin.

You guys should know about the Hari Kantin since I've stated about it in my previous post.
I realize that I've wrote in my previous post which I WILL POST THE FREAKING DAMN PICTURE.
But, oh well. To tell you the truth. I'm lazy to upload it so..
When I went to my ex-school, I greet the teacher I've met and saw many of my ex-friends there :D
It's fun to be at your primary school but. well. the truth is. the Canteen's Day.
is. a. little. bit. boring. JUST A LITTLE TINY BIT (?) BORING OKAYYYY ?! Don't exagerate it too much.

That's all about The Canteen's Day.
I don't remember some things that goes through me this day.
Ouh, well. It's because I'm a lazy-ass. That's why. :D No offense.

Ahhh ! And, there's this concertimeanshowcase that I want to go.
It's on 11 December! I can ask my father or mother to buy the tickets for me since it could be my birthday presents. SideNote.mybirthdayisone20thdecember1999. I'ma99-er.
I really.really.REALLY. hope that my parents allowed me to go there. The venue is really. freaking. NEAR to our house.
I envy my friends who her parents allowed her to go to the showcase >.<
It would be very cool if my parents let me go.