
She has anthropophobia. She has pistanthrophobia. She has polyhobia. She who has many phobia is me. The owner of this gloomy looking blog. Fourteen to be on 20th December. My life is as dull as you can imagine. I invite you to come and color my life. This is her second blog.

같은하늘아래서. 같은꿈을꾸는. 君ともう一度 笑えると信じているから. ♥ Always Keep The Faith

Saturday is le' school day ._. Games FTW ! // Saturday, September 22, 2012
1:02 AM

HelloandAssalamualaikum !

Hey guiseee ._. Today, on the date of 22/9/2012. Saturday.
My school got a ' sekolah ganti ' thingy.
So, I went to the school.
The best thing I've ever heard when I was in the middle of doing homework.
2 of the teachers who supposed to teach us didn't came to school today.
All of my classmates were like 

And I was like.

And then. I was like

And then, we were partying hard.

And then, the games start.
They played truth or dare first.
And then.
They were playing the 'Winking Game'.
And , gashhhh! It's scary and seems creepy but

When you were playing this game. I bet that you must be very scary and you will feel chilly of all the sudden.
The game involved winking to the people to kill the other people in secret. Other people have to guess who is the 'killer'. If the killer wink to other people. Then, the people must say 'I'm dead' and out from the game.
The people who guess it will win the game.
For the first game, I already died. Saying 'I'm dead' is really creepy though.
And I was like.

And then I was like.

The people were looking at each other and staring each other to find the killer. Like this.

I really meant it when I said that it was totally creepy since people kept staring at me.
Since my look was very suspicious. Like this.

Every round of the game.
They will ask me. ' are you the killer? '
And I was like .

LOL. But thanks to me, the killer got to kill many people. RLAB.
And then, there this time when I've got to be the killer.
And I was like.

Since other people can't guess who is the killer which is ME.
They said that the killer is really expert.
Well, thank you. :D
I've killed many people thanks to those who ask other people 'are you the killer? '
LOL. Don't you found it amusing that when I'm not the killer. They kept asking me and I said .

And then, they die.

When I'm being the REAL killer.
They don't even ask me and in the end they got killed by ME too.
Muahahahaha !
There's only 2 people left for me to kill them.

But  , the two survivor are too fast and they ask me the question.
I was like.

I am too close to won the game but 

Then, after playing many times with that game.
I found it boring.

And then, we decide to play another game called ' Do you love your neighbor ? '
It involve our speed and running because we have to change seat with other people to prevent the one who is asking seating at the places.
The one who's asking the question were like

Nothing interesting to be told about this game though.
When the school bell rang which mean the school end we were like.

I admit that today is one of the best day of my life.

That's it.