
She has anthropophobia. She has pistanthrophobia. She has polyhobia. She who has many phobia is me. The owner of this gloomy looking blog. Fourteen to be on 20th December. My life is as dull as you can imagine. I invite you to come and color my life. This is her second blog.

같은하늘아래서. 같은꿈을꾸는. 君ともう一度 笑えると信じているから. ♥ Always Keep The Faith

Hello . WORLDWIDE TREND ON TWITTER ! // Tuesday, August 7, 2012
6:01 AM
HelloAndAssalamualaikum ! <3
Heyy guys :D
Some of you guys maybe know about this but maybe some of you not :D
So , I'm telling you guys :
Yesterday on Twitter , #Datuk Lee Chong Wei is the trend for the WORLDWIDE
same goes as #Malaysia and #Malaysia Negaraku .
Yeahh , That's pretty much of it .
So , Datuk have post something about being regret for not winning the gold medal on twitter .
And most of the comments are POSITIVE ! Some netizens comment are such as : You're our true Hero !
: We will keep supporting you !
: Thank You for being Malaysia
representive <3
Even Datuk Seri post something on DLCW twitter <3