
She has anthropophobia. She has pistanthrophobia. She has polyhobia. She who has many phobia is me. The owner of this gloomy looking blog. Fourteen to be on 20th December. My life is as dull as you can imagine. I invite you to come and color my life. This is her second blog.

같은하늘아래서. 같은꿈을꾸는. 君ともう一度 笑えると信じているから. ♥ Always Keep The Faith

BAMMM ! BAMMM ! SELAMAT HARI RAYA ! // Friday, August 17, 2012
11:42 PM

HelloAndAssalamualaikum !

Hi guise ! :D So , here I am writing a post about the Aidilfitri !
Before that , I'm sorry for not updating for the past few days .
Well , since it's Ramadhan . I've helped my friends editing their blog .
See , How kind of me *grinning widely* *awkward cough*
Okayy , so , As you guys read the title . Obviously I would talk about Hari Raya which is T O M O R R O W !
Yeahhh ! It's TOMORROW ! How awesome of it !
Well , starting tomorrow i will wear new clothes , new pair of shoes , new hair styles . E V E R Y T H I N G NEW !
Well , I'm so excited for tomorrow .
But , unfortunately , T O D A Y is the last day of Ramadhan . Last day of Sahur and last day of Buka Puasa =(
I'll surely miss all the variety kind of juadah . And the Bazar also .

Currently , I'm at my hometown which is Johor ! Who is a Johorian here ?!
Put your H A N D S U P ! *flailing my hands up in the air like I was riding a roller coaster*
S E L A M A T H A R I R A Y A to all the Johorian Muslim .
Ouhh , well of course to  A L L the muslim anywhere in the world =) *no exception*

*the awkward moment begins*
Okayy . .
So . .
Actually , I have to helped my parents preparing for HariRaya tomorrow .
But , LOOK AT ME ! *well , I know that you guys can't see me . GOTCHA !*
I'm sitting in front of the laptop updating my blogger which no one would read =(
It's reality though .

So , as I've said . I've helped some of my friends editing their blog .
So , here I am promoting their blog .
Do read !

AinaKhalilah : http://airidzextrahistory.blogspot.com/
Mahirah : http://thetruthaboutmyfeelings.blogspot.com/

And , I want to say welcome to them because they have posted about how thankful they are to me =) *Not boasting though*
So , that's it .
This is the end of the post !