
She has anthropophobia. She has pistanthrophobia. She has polyhobia. She who has many phobia is me. The owner of this gloomy looking blog. Fourteen to be on 20th December. My life is as dull as you can imagine. I invite you to come and color my life. This is her second blog.

같은하늘아래서. 같은꿈을꾸는. 君ともう一度 笑えると信じているから. ♥ Always Keep The Faith

Sincerely , Sorry // Thursday, April 5, 2012
9:02 PM
Hey , Guys ! Assalamualaikum >.< HikHik >.<

How's ur day ? Mine . Is Wokayhh . . Firstly , Fifah nk mintak maaf Bcoz lama tk update Blog nieyhh . BTW , tk kisah ponn sbb bukannye ade org nk bce :DD

But , slama Fifah tk update blog nie , many Things happen O_o . .

Okayhh , Now , disebabkn dh lme tk update blog nieyhh , fifah akn crite satu pengalaman yg menyeronokkan and satu pengalaman yg Paling mengerikan >.<

Lets Start >.<

Pengalaman yg pling menyeronokkan :

Fifah ade msuk pertandingan nasyid for sambutan maulidur rasul bulan lepas tk silap . . Group Fifah nyanyi lagu Untukmu Ibu + Kekasih Allah . First nyanyi lagu Kekasih Allah tk de masalah , but , bile msuk Untukmu Ibu

Hancuss ! tk sepenuhnye lh , but , kitorg slh msuk tone . Fhm tk O_o tk pe lh :DD mmg memalukan but , lps tu kitorg dpt nyanyi yg len dgn senang :)) thanks kpd juri tu . .

Malangnyee , kitorg tk mng :(( tk pe lhh . . nti ade peluang kitorg try lgi :))

Now , Utk pengalaman yg pling mengerikan ! Jeng Jeng Jeng ! (Drum rolls)
Fifah skolah ptg , then , hri tu SEPATUTnye unty Fifah amik ptg tu , tpi die bleh lupe nk amik . then , amik ank die dkt Segi College . . Fifah ingt kn unty tu sesak jln jem ke ape . . rupe2nye , mmg lupe . Nk tau Fifah blik kul bpe ??

---> Kul 8 lebeh ! Malam pulak tu , last2 My mom yg amik . My mom nangis2 , Fifah pon nangis lh . wktu tunggu tu denga dh azan maghrib Fifah terus nangis . . dh lh tngh Hujan , dgn petir sabung - menyabung . . Seram Seyhh !
Lps tu lme gak lh fifah nangis , then , fifah STOP ! FIfah tawakal je kpd Allah .. Rse mcm nk mati pon ade . . Mama mrh2 unty tu . . tpi fifah kte tk pyh lh mrh unty , lgipon unty n dh berumur , mestiah unty lupe . . Fifah tk kesah ponn . Yg penting Fifah slamat . . pastu mlm tu jugak . Unty dtg rumah , Peluk2 Fifah , unty nangis2 ckp unty Sorry and Risau sngt ! Tpi Fifah dh Maafkn dh :))

Tu je lh . . For Today :)) See ya !

HAH ! Yeahh ! sblum Fifah lupe , Fifah msuk Choral Speaking . Hope Latihan sume berjalan lancar and mng pde Hari Pertandingan nti >.<