
She has anthropophobia. She has pistanthrophobia. She has polyhobia. She who has many phobia is me. The owner of this gloomy looking blog. Fourteen to be on 20th December. My life is as dull as you can imagine. I invite you to come and color my life. This is her second blog.

같은하늘아래서. 같은꿈을꾸는. 君ともう一度 笑えると信じているから. ♥ Always Keep The Faith

BEST 2012 HANGOUT EVER ! // Friday, February 24, 2012
1:04 AM
hai awokk , :)) hew hew :)) ASSALAMUALAIKUM :))

apa kabar anda di sana ?? sihat ? :D hehe , hri nie fifah nk cite psl birthday party kwn fifah . ACTUALLY , not a real birthday party , tpi kitorg buat suprise je , so , is it a birthday party or what ?! -_- ok ! get rid of that question ! GET RID OF THAT QUESTION ! GET IT ?! WHATEVER !

okk , heheh , pde tarik 25.2.2012 adalah hari jadi kawan fifah ! iaitu HANIS ! jeng jeng jeng !
but , kitorg smbut awal sehari dripd tu , kitorg buat birthday surprise 4 her , dkt mcd sri damansara ^_^ wlupon x de kek but ade CUPCAKE ! anushia's mom made it , anushia is my new sporting and CRAZY friend ! :)) wlupon x seberape but , hrp2 die x kesah , sbb kitorg rncg pon last minute , sbnrnye nk pegi sd club sabtu nie , sabtu nie tu birthday die , tpi x jadik , so tukar plan , buat hri jumaat nie :) best GILE lh ! sbb nie first time hangout ngan geng farzana and my new friend ,celine , anushia and wei wuen :)) , kitorg men kt playground tu , and hanis blanje aiskrim , x pe lh :) at least die blanje okayh ?? :))

wktu men kt playground tu BEST gile lh , dlm tu kitprg chit-chat2 lh , pastu men game TRUTH OR DARE , kitrog men dare je , disebabkn dkt sblah , ade budak laki , kitorg slalu kenekn mission yg berkenaan ngan budk laki tu , example , kitorg ckp hi kt dorg , tpi bukn dpn2 lh , kitog ketuk cermin then buat lh isyarat tngn :)) SIMPLE rite ?? hehehhe , mmg best gile ! pnt ! but , mmg pengalaman yg menyeronokkan , nseb bek lh my mom kasik pergi ,

ah ! sblom tu , pagi tdi ade maulud rasul , fifah dtg dlm kul 7.30 then kene tahan , sbb msok kul 7.25 , cikgu tnye npe lmbt ? fifah jwb lh , kt damai tdi hujan , then jln jam , kene hntr kakak ngan adik lgi , pastu cikgu tu ckp , biase lh korg kn sek ptg , mne nk tau jam ke x , nmpk sngt MEMERLI ! klu cikgu dtg lmbt x kene tahan plak kn ??

hish , ok lh that's all , nti gamba wktu kt mcd fifah upload nti , wasslam , BYE :))